Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Cross Guardian is BACK!!!

The Cross Guardian is back in napkin form in Fred!!!

He comes up on Page 5 which can be seen at the above link...

And, Clem meets him on Page 6 which can be seen at the link above this line.

Now, many of you might be wondering who this Cross Guardian character is. He's a superhero that I created to enter a superhero creation contest that was hosted by Webtoons and Stan Lee. I came in 77th place, but hey... it got me started on Webtoons! So, that's nifty.

And, to read the Cross Guardian's story click the above link.

Thanks for the support and I hope that you enjoy these super stories.

All the best,


Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Three Comic Book Artist Influences

I just wanted the world to know that the character Davis Redcole is based on three of my favorite all time comic book artists. They are Jack Davis, Jack Cole, and Michael Allred. Allred's eyebrows and nose were used as a reference. Jack Davis was the model for the hair and neck. The mouth and chin came from Cole.

To see it, click the above link. Also panel 2 of that page is one of my favorite panels that I've ever created!


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

THE END... of the sign spinning story arc

It isn't pretty, but it is done!

Click the above link to read the last page of the sign spinning story.

And, click the link above this sentence to read the entire story from the beginning.

Thank you to my subscribers on Webtoons! Thank you to my subscribers on Patreon!

Doing this story with all of those different art styles definitely taught me how to approach the art of comics in the most appealing yet efficient way.

Starting tomorrow Fred will be a Tuesday, Thursday comic. This will allow me to do a weekly webcomic for Dr. Zombie. Dr. Zombie's comics will happen on Sundays.

Thanks again for your readership,
