Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sign Up for my Email List

Hey do want to know when my next show is happening? Do you want to know where to read my comics? Do you want to be up-to-date on ToMoCoBo? Are you a total goofball who loves stuff that's just plain ol' bonkers?

If you answered "Sure, whatever." to any of the questions above. You should fill out the form below, and be a part of my mailing list.

Tommy News will delivered straight to your inbox, as it should be.

Sign up below, you sassy sack of jelly!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

ToMoCoBo 2019

Hi there, folks. Submissions are open for Tommy's Motion Comics Bonanza (ToMoCoBo). If you have a family friendly motion comic that you'd like to have shown on the screen, go to Twitter. Then tweet or DM the link to your motion comic to @ToMoCoBoAZ on or before June 30th.

Thanks so much. We hope to be watching tons and tons of motion comics in the near future.

All the best,


Monday, January 14, 2019



Click the above link to Fred the Mustard Packet's latest comic pages! This week, we have sports comics. We're bound to have a few injuries.

Sports stories used to be a major genre for comic books about 70 years ago. Maybe this will inspire some sports lovers to jump into the realm of comics.