Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas! We have a bonus page for you today!


Click the above link, click on today's post, scroll a touch more than usual, and enjoy a Christmas bonus comic.

Have a great holiday!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Fred's Derpy Superheroes are Coming to a Close!!!

Check out the above link to stay up to date on Fred the Mustard Packet's comics.

Fred's Derpy Superheroes story is coming to a close. It will end before the end of this month at page 100.

Then, in 2019, I am proud to say that Fred the Mustard Packet will be returning to his roots as a gag o' week comic. We will be enjoying Fridays with Fred in 2019.

Sign up for the Tommy Cannon mailing list to always know what my crazy world of creativity is delivering.

Thanks for the support.


Thursday, November 1, 2018


Starting in 2019, Fred the Mustard Packet will be returning to his original form. Yes, he is returning to the gag o' week format. At the end of 2018, the Derpy Superheroes story will be over. That means Fred will have a trilogy of stories. Dude!

Also, with Fred returning to the gag format, we can get more quality comedy like the above cartoon.

Thanks for tuning in.

All the best,


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Queen Brick is a Brick House... She's Mighty MIGHTY!!!


Click the above link to see the latest Fred page.

People normally wouldn't expect a lot from a superhero named Queen Brick. But, she delivers.

Even giant demons can be taken down by a gaggle of derpy superheroes.

Also, subscribe to Fred the Mustard Packet on Webtoons. It's free and spiffy. Click the heart on your favorite pages.

Thank you so much.


 PS- Use the form below to join the super cool Tommy Cannon email list! It'll be boss!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Fred is Fredding so hard on WEBTOONS


Read all of those Derpy Superhero pages and more at the above link. Subscribe to Fred on Webtoons and you'll be notified every single time that I post every single page.

Hey, there's one scheduled to post tomorrow morning. DOO DEE DOODEE DOO DAH!

Thank you so much for the support,


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Derpy Superheroes

The current long-form story that I have Fred participating in is a mega huge superhero story.

I'm using this opportunity to brain dump about 95% of the superheroes that I've dreamt up over the years into one epic tale, just to get them out there. Some of these characters have been in my head since the 6th grade. It's weird, wacky stuff.


Click the above link to see Fred's latest offerings!

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Oh man, I'm an Amazon Author. You can get the above title and more there.


Click the above link to see my sensational and oh-so-impressive Amazon Author Page!

Thank you,


Monday, June 4, 2018

TG Geeks!


Two Gay Geeks Studio just interviewed me to talk about Fred and other stuff!

Their podcast is so great and so geeky. You should give it a listen!

Hey, you should give it a listen each and every week! Thank you.

Monday, May 28, 2018



Here's some spicy good news! The Kickstarted campaign just past the 50% mark towards being funded! Woohoo! And, we finished Frediting... I mean editing the book!

We have low cost tiers, high roller tiers, and several in between.

We're halfway there. We can do it. Share it! SPREAD the mustard and the word!

Thank you to those who are backers and to those who are sharing the campaign to others.

All the best,


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Why Should This be on Bookshelves?

There is no other comic like it. Pure and simple, it has personified condiment packets. It has ghosts and a space alien. It has a super powered soda dispenser. It has a theatre set up inside of a fast food corndog shop. It has an underlying message of love and friendship.

It's written and drawn in my manic and erratic style. This book is out of control like a corndog dipped in salsa verde.

Do yourself a favor. Invest in work that has never been done before. Invention. Innovation. Creativity. Tater Tots.


Click the link above to invest in that piece of awesomeness.

Kickstarter- Another Tie to My High School Theatre Days


Mr. Akers, the Theatre teacher at my alma mater made a wise decision.

We were rehearsing a play called The Man Who Came to Dinner. It's a pretty decent comedy to come out of the 30s-40s. I was cast to play a role that you would think would be easy for me. I was cast to play a teenage boy. It was crazy difficult. I could not for the life of me get my mind, body, and spirit to truthfully portray a typical teenage boy onstage, and I was a teenage boy. On the other hand, a very sweet girl had trouble portraying the role of an elderly lady who was an axe murderer.

Akers had a stroke of genius. We swapped roles. The teenage boy became a teenage girl and the young actress thrived. And, I got the chance of a lifetime. In my first play ever, I portrayed a cross dressing axe murderer. RAD!

The character's name was Harriet.

One of the main characters in this graphic novel is named Harriet.


Harriet the Honey Packet is very different from Harriet Sedley though. Harriet the Honey Packet is based off of my wonderful wife. She's sweet, like honey.

Harriet Sedley was a murdering, flirty basket-case. I loved playing that role.

Excellent move, Mr. Akers! Thank you!

To support the Kickstarter campaign, click the link just below the image at the top of this post.

Thanks for the support.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Think Local! Lawn Gnome Publishing


As we started forming this Kickstarter campaign, I was looking into a printer that's in the midwest. It was highly recommended by a local creator, but then some Lawn Gnome ads came to my attention. We communicated with them and it was clear. They have high standards of quality, I can literally pick them up before my improv shows at The Torch Theatre, and they are great with communication.

So, Phoenix, just know that when you are backing Fred... you are backing ARIZONA!

The link to the campaign is directly under the top image.

Thank you for supporting and sharing. And, thanks to Lawn Gnome for being awesome.

Have a super spicy day,


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

This is for the Geeky Theatre Kids!


Again, why in the world are we doing this?!?!?!?

Here's another reason. I created this graphic novel for my sixteen year old self. Back then, as I do now, I loved comics and live theatre. The theatre program in High School got me through my teen years. The teen years are the tough ones, and theatre (and my amazing teacher) got me through those years.

This graphic novel would have been something that I would have loved back then. It highlights the wonder of live theatre, it's loaded with comedy, and it has a level of absurdity that I think high school art & drama kids would dig.

I did write this piece with a family friendly mindset, so that the parents of the theatre kids would be comfortable sharing this comic with them.

The link beneath the image of this post will lead you to the Kickstarter campaign.

Also, check out some of the new rewards that we've created.

Thank you for sharing and/ or supporting.

All the best,


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Fred on Kickstarter & Dain Gore


Fred the Mustard Packet Does the Scottish Play is seeking a print run. The link above will send you to the super spicy Kickstarter campaign that is seeking to fund that print run.

But, all of that aside, let us discuss something important... the art of Dain Gore.

It is a crime of the world that Benjamins don't automatically drop into Dain's lap every time he draws or paints something. Dain likes the Dali quote "I don't do drugs, I am drugs." Well Dain isn't a painter he is a walking, talking personification of the idea of painting. Dain IS Painting. No, no, not the god of painting. He is Painting manifest in human form.

The thumbnail image in this post is a close up shot of a detail in the cartoon he drew for Fred. The cartoon is pure magic and we want to pay him a handsome licensing fee for it.


Click the above link if you dare. Click it to see what happens when Painting paints.

Thank you,


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Kickstarter... WHY?!?!???


So, we've kickstarted a Kickstarter campaign to print the graphic novel Fred the Mustard Packet Does the Scottish Play. The link to the campaign is just above this paragraph. Why are we doing this? We are doing this, because I love comedy.

Comic. Comic Strip. Stand Up Comic. Comic Actor. Comic Book.

I want to slam the COMIC back into 'Comic Book'.

Don't get me wrong. I love superheroes, sci-fi, and horror. But, comedy is what drew me into the game to begin with.

As a young boy, I wanted to be a circus clown who drew coloring books for the circus souvenir stand.  I made my first joke when I was three. I put black gloves on my feet and told my mom that I was a gorilla. Genius.

In the ancient 1980s, my family had a costume trunk. In that trunk was a purple jester hat. When I put that hat on, I knew what kind of a creature I was... I was a comedian. I remember getting into comic books with Daffy Duck, Bullwinkle, and Jughead. Later, I got into MAD and fell in love with Antonio Prohias, Don Martin, and Sergio Aragones. So, drawing and comedy have been with me early on.

And, it continues. Sure, I'm not a clown, but I do improv shows and puppet shows with great frequency. I don't draw coloring books, but I draw comics. And, I illustrate a diverse range of different projects. I remind myself of my early clown dreams by wearing brightly colored Chuck Taylor Converse sneakers as often as possible. They are very similar to clown shoes.

Yes, I've read a good number of 'X-Men' and 'Swamp Thing' comics, but they don't hold a grip on my heart like 'Porky Pig' did.

I'm doing this to put comedy on our bookshelves and in our libraries.

I'm doing this because we all want to see Miss Piggy karate chop Iron Fist.

Thank you.

Thursday, April 26, 2018


I have invented a stupid amount of pirate characters in spite of the fact that I live the desert portion of the land-locked state of Arizona.

Three of my favorites have hit the pages of Fred the Mustard Packet Draws Derpy Superheroes.

Enjoy. I've been sitting on this stuff for years. I'm glad to finally have them sail.



The above links will take you to the Pirate Pages.

Thank you,


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Auntie Relish & Gator Slap!

So, Auntie Relish is based on my real-life beloved Auntie Jo. We've had her visit AZ once and it was magical.

In the comic, I have her come to AZ to create the greatest superhero of ALL TIME... GATOR SLAP!!!


Click the above link to see Auntie Relish and the debut of Gator Slap.

Thank you for your support,


Sunday, April 1, 2018

22 Panels Revealed

On March 20 and March 22, I posted 22 panels of Fred comics. And, the 22 panels I used were the 22 Panels that never fail according to Wally Wood. Wally Wood was a sensational comic book artist who did a lot of work on EC titles in the 1950s, I especially loved his sci-fi work.



To see the 22 panels put to use for Fred click the above links.

Thanks you for the support,


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Thursday, March 15, 2018


This week, we put a brief hold on Fred's epic superhero story to have FAN ART WEEK.

I wanted to showcase some of the fun fan art Fred has received over the years on the Webtoons platform.

We got to enjoy the cartooning skills of Arturo Ruiz and Dain Quentin Gore.

Arturo performs with me a lot in our improv comedy duo Robot Destroyers From Planet Earth. He also plays with Apollo 12. Once in a blue moon, he graces the internet with one of his funny "Second Year Teacher" comics. He's a great friend and also a genius.

Dain also performs with me, but in puppetry. He is a sensational painter as well. His work has been exhibited across the nation and around the world. Meow Wolf even has one of his paintings in their House of Eternal Return. He's a great guy. To know Dain is to love him... and his ramen.



Click the above links to check out this boss awesome fan art!

Thanks for tuning in!


Friday, February 23, 2018

Marshmallow Mania!


When I taught a comic book class a couple of years ago, I created an example of a superhero team that I loved... The Might Marshmallows of Justice. Now they are making their sweet debut. Check it out at the link above this paragraph.

Thanks a bunch,


Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Cross Guardian is BACK!!!

The Cross Guardian is back in napkin form in Fred!!!


He comes up on Page 5 which can be seen at the above link...


And, Clem meets him on Page 6 which can be seen at the link above this line.

Now, many of you might be wondering who this Cross Guardian character is. He's a superhero that I created to enter a superhero creation contest that was hosted by Webtoons and Stan Lee. I came in 77th place, but hey... it got me started on Webtoons! So, that's nifty.


And, to read the Cross Guardian's story click the above link.

Thanks for the support and I hope that you enjoy these super stories.

All the best,


Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Three Comic Book Artist Influences

I just wanted the world to know that the character Davis Redcole is based on three of my favorite all time comic book artists. They are Jack Davis, Jack Cole, and Michael Allred. Allred's eyebrows and nose were used as a reference. Jack Davis was the model for the hair and neck. The mouth and chin came from Cole.


To see it, click the above link. Also panel 2 of that page is one of my favorite panels that I've ever created!


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

THE END... of the sign spinning story arc

It isn't pretty, but it is done!


Click the above link to read the last page of the sign spinning story.


And, click the link above this sentence to read the entire story from the beginning.

Thank you to my subscribers on Webtoons! Thank you to my subscribers on Patreon!

Doing this story with all of those different art styles definitely taught me how to approach the art of comics in the most appealing yet efficient way.

Starting tomorrow Fred will be a Tuesday, Thursday comic. This will allow me to do a weekly webcomic for Dr. Zombie. Dr. Zombie's comics will happen on Sundays.

Thanks again for your readership,
