This is the end for me and the page we know as Page 18 of Issue 4.
So, we have seen this page grow from a thumbnail sketch, to a blue lined page, to a revised blue lined page, and now it has been officially penciled.
The final revisions were for me to change the new film crew member's hand to be pointing upward in panel 1. And, I was asked to add Greg in panel 2 and to put Tommy's hand on his shoulder. And, panel 3 received more clarity in the background.
This has been the process that all of the pages for My Big Break issue have been going through.
So, if you want to catch up on My Big Break, you can buy some issues at
It is the autobiographical comic book of Philip Haldiman's experience of playing Denny in the midnight movie classic The Room. You all need to watch that movie. Kyle Bennett is a workhorse. He has been working as the editor, inker, colorist, for the main story. And, he has been writing and illustrating his brilliant feature within the comic called "Denny Between the Scenes". He's giving this project 210% and his is a name to be on the lookout for. Skill and talent like his does not stay underground long.
If you want to see the other "How to Draw Comics the Haldi Way" posts, check out the above links.
And, here it is, the penciled page 18 of issue 4.....
Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you all at a really geeky event soon!